7 December, 10:15 - 10:50 HKT

Evaluating Students’ Learning Outcomes in the Pandemic Era: Catering for Learner Diversity by Utilising the Technological Affordances of Technology

SEN Theatre


Lower achievers may be hesitant to discuss their views and perspectives during lessons. Teachers can use online tools to address this issue and provide students with more chances for speaking practice while also allowing teachers to track participation. Students' self-developed videos enable students to conduct asynchronous dialogues and vocally create the language outside class.

With Animoto, lower achievers may connect with higher achievers through videos, just as what they would do in the real world, but without the pressure of a live classroom. Moreover, interaction is possible for even the most apprehensive students because students are given the space and time to reply when they are ready. The latter may otherwise feel excluded in class.

Before the pandemic, student presentations were given in class, with questions from the audience and peer assessment for more able students. Nonetheless, student feedback indicated that many presentations assessed led to diminishing engagement and peer-assessor fatigue.

Therefore, Bulb, combined with student-generated digital presentations, and implemented with various tools, has recently been used in English lessons. Teachers seek to incorporate these to foster creativity.
